Hong Kong government is going to regulate CBD, and it will not be able to buy freely as before.
Source, South China Morning Post: Hong Kong has proposed banning CBD products within a year. Here’s everything you need to know
CBD products in Hong Kong
Whilst it is unclear how the CBD would be regulated, and how you can buy in Hong Kong in the future, Daily Hong Kong, an online news advertisment website in Hong Kong, posted contact photo of the CBD seller on the street and attracted attention.
This post from Daily Hong Kong was actually reporting the news that Chinese scientists found CBD can cure the damaged heart muscle, which giving hope for the people who got myocarditis after Covid19 injection.
Interestingly, while reporting this news, Daily Hong Kong included a photo of a street CBD seller taken from the street and attached to the post.
Source, Daily Hong Kong: 중국 연구진, 대마 CBD로 손상된 심장 근육 치료 가능성 밝혀
420 Hong Kong